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Weekend Renovation Tips in Los Angeles

Are you planning to shift your attention to your home and do a weekend renovation? Whether it is a long or any typical weekend, this can be an excellent time to work on a kitchen remodeling project, bathroom, wall, basement renovation, or any other remodeling project. While a home renovation in Los Angeles can come with its fair share of challenges, the outcome can be equally rewarding. Below are tips to help you ace your weekend renovation job. The ultimate goal of our weekend renovation tips Los Angeles is to help you hit your goal, save money, time and avoid burning out.

Start with a weekend renovation plan

Here is a fact, a plan can dictate many aspects of your project. For instance, a remodeling plan can determine the actual project you want to do, the size of the renovation project, the cost, timeline, materials, and so much more.

And with a plan, you can simplify your residential renovation project in Los Angeles.

So how do you create a renovation plan?

The first step is to define your needs versus wants clearly. Defining your needs and wants is critical, especially when you are working on a budget. Create a list of all the things you feel need improvement. 

Make two columns of needs and wants. If you have a necessary improvement, you can put it in the needs section. And an improvement that would be nice to add to your home but not an absolute necessity should go to the area of your wants.

Your needs and wants list will help you work within your budget and priorities crucial remodeling projects. 

Another thing is to consider the scale of your renovation project. Set a timeline and put it in the plan. This will help you make plans for accommodation if you need to move out temporarily—even if you need to move your pets.

Los Angeles home renovation preparation

Once you have your weekend renovation plan and budget in order, you can proceed with preparation. And the first thing to start with is getting your supplies ready ahead of time. Whether you will be tackling a DIY or have your contractors help, you need to have supplies ready to avoid wasting any minute—the weekend is a short period, and you can’t risk going back and forth to your retail store to get more materials. 

Have your renovation allies ready. Another thing to focus on ahead of the actual renovation day is your contractors. Do you need a roofer, plumber, flooring expert, electrician, or hauler? 

You need to contact your contractors ahead of time to avoid a no-show during your weekend renovation. 

If you anticipate generating enormous amounts of renovation debris, hiring a local hauler to help you dump the waste is safe.

Remember, the thumb rule when hiring contractors is to focus on experience, affordability, and availability.

weekend renovation tips

Start with the interiors

Whether you want to clean out, demolish, or do the actual improvement project, it is best to start with the interior side of your house. This ensures that you don’t mess up with your exterior project while doing the interior side. 

Unless you have a roofing job, it is always best to work on the interiors first, starting with the walls down.

Organize your renovation project with a planner

With a weekend home renovation, you need to stay on top of the remodeling game. And the best way to do this is to use a planner.

A renovation planner is an excellent tool to help you organize your daily activities and account for the materials you require for the project.

Don’t go overboard with your weekend renovation

Remodeling projects can be pretty stressful, costly, and time-consuming. Worse is when it is a weekend home improvement project, and you are doing it all alone. Start small, one renovation at a time. This will give a base to handle even the most extensive remodeling jobs. If you need support with a dumpster rental, American Reclamation can help you with all your renovation debris disposal needs. Contact us today.